Rufian Libretto
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Your Idea of Really Cool | Popcorn | Art Gallery | CHATROOM | Mad Traditions | Tower of Learning | I Offer you a Place to Rest | Meet the (not so) Evil Angel | Discography | Fall for the Streaker | Whiffs of Freon | And You Said... | Watch My Head About It | Rufie Award | Mailbag | These Beautiful Poses | Rufus Bufus Song Lyrics

Your Rufus Stories!


I'll tell you about my encounter with Rufus. There's not much to tell, but I did meet him, so here we go!

After the concert my friend and I were standing outside the venue (by teh large purple tour bus, heh heh) and were having conversations with other Rufies. Such nice people. Anyway, after about a half hour of waiting he came out wrapped in a big fuzzy coat and started taking pictures with his fans and such. When it came to be my turn, I just froze. I was kinda in disbelief that he was in front of my and looking at me. So, he signed my poses CD and I got a picture with him, then I started babbling on how this was the best concert I've ever been to . .. I rambled. He was so sweet, he has the softest speaking voice - he's just like "Awwww, thank you, thank you."

Such a nice nice boy.

BTW, he has SUCH an adorable smile. He should try doing it more often :-)

Here are the pictures from the concert - hehe they're interesting. "




Have you a cool Rufus story? Please, tell it to me!